
Admissions Information

We have one intake of pupils per year. All children start in the September of the year in which they are 5 years old.  Parents need to contact North Yorkshire County Council (using the link below) and click on “Apply to start primary or junior school for the first time” to complete the online application.  Parents are also welcome to make an appointment to look around the school prior to making a decision.  Please telephone to arrange a convenient time.

Our published admission number is 18.  Further information is available in our admissions policy.  If the number of applications exceeds the maximum admission limit, after the admission of children where the school is named in the statement of special educational needs (SEN), the following oversubscription criteria will apply:

Order of Priority

Priority Group 1:

Looked after children and all previously looked after children for whom the school has been expressed as a preference.  Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a child arrangement order or special guardianship order.

Priority Group 2:

Children the Authority considers have special social or medical reasons for admission.

Priority Group 3:

Children living within the normal area of the school.

Priority Group 4:

Children living outside the normal area of the school.

Further information and access to an electronic application form can be found on the School Admissions page of the North Yorkshire County Council website.