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01756 749433

Welcome from the Headteacher, Mrs Peel

Thank you for visiting our website.  Gargrave C of E  Primary School is set at the heart of the village of Gargrave, attracting pupils from the immediate village but also from the surrounding areas of Broughton, East Marton, West Marton and further afield. 

We offer high standards of academic achievement; exciting and engaging lessons in small classes with an excellent teacher to pupil ratio and opportunities for our pupils to thrive in the arts, sports and through a wide range of extra-curricular activities.

As a Church of England school we promote a Christian ethos within school and will encourage children to understand other faiths and customs.  We provide daily collective worship for all children.  We are guided by the belief that ‘whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord’.    We are a community of learners aiming for all to flourish and reach their maximum potential through valuing love, peace and hope. We will nurture learning habits where each individual  has equal worth, in a safe and happy environment. 

We hope that you and your child will be very happy with us and that you will take an active part in the life of school.  We offer many out of school activities in which your child can become involved in and invite parents to support the school in many ways. 

We use a variety of teaching methods to promote learning and provide appropriate resources for all children.  We work in partnership with governors, parents and the wider community, involving them in all aspects of school life by promoting the ethos of an “open school”.  We provide a curriculum which meets the individual learning of all the pupils, and develops the distinctive character and ethos, which exists within the local community.

If you wish to know more about our school please contact our school business manager, Sharon Aldous, or telephone 01756749433. More information about how to contact us can also be found on our contact us page.

Mrs Sarah Peel
